
Although the Viking Squad is not a traditional NFT project, it's important that we have the right people in place to grow the community and accomplish our goals. This has been one of the major lessons learned in 2022.

The Viking Squad has now grown into a team of 4+:

CardanoThor - Founder

CardanoThor is a full-time NFT content creator, collector, and art curator. He's an art enthusiast, amateur photographer, entrepreneur, and graphic designer. He has over 12 years of experience as a digital marketing director. Born and raised in Iceland but currently living in the USA with his family of 4.

Bad0ne - Chief Operating Officer

Bad0ne has been a part of the Viking Squad from the beginning. A network engineer by trade, he is one of the savviest and most experienced collectors in the space and brings a wide variety of skills to the team as our COO. Bad0ne is a fellow Icelander, an anime geek, and an overall quality human.

AC - Creative Director

Ahmad, or AC, is a multidisciplinary artist with a passion for mythology and game/movie art creation. He is known as the blacksmith (járnsmiður) among Vikings for his ability to forge pixels into beautiful digital artwork.

Lord0Games - Community Manager

Lord0Games has been an active NFT Viking community member for a long time. His passion for the Cardano NFT space is palpable and his experience as a valuable community member will now serve the Vikings well.


The Ransackers are a vital part of the Viking Squad and how it's run. They are a group of experienced and trusted Vikings, committed to growing the community.

  • dman

  • Krenk

  • frozenkorean

  • ClamDigger

  • Augustus

  • Lex

Last updated