Dreki Artist Launchpad

The Dreki artist launchpad was CardanoThor's original vision and motivation behind the Viking Squad. As an art enthusiast, he recognized the opportunity it could bring marginalized Web2 artists. Not only does it provide a win-win opportunity for CardanoThor and the artists, but it is also a part of bringing value to the Cardano blockchain; an ecosystem he now cares deeply about.

Despite some setbacks and delays, the necessary pivots have led to Dreki now becoming an official subsidiary of the Viking Squad rather than an independent project by CardanoThor.


The goals of Dreki are the following:

  • Provide financial and career opportunities for deserving artists

  • Provide an additional revenue stream from The Viking Squad

  • Give NFT Vikings an opportunity to discover & mint quality art NFTs

  • To grow the Viking Squad community by attracting art enthusiasts


Dreki will provide the following services

  • General NFT advisory

  • Community/collector access & exposure

  • Networking & marketing

  • Minting services

  • Website/marketplace

Why choose Dreki?

  • Trust & Experience: CardanoThor is doxxed and has earned trust in the community since the summer of 2021

  • Art-focus: There are plenty of NFT launchpads, but few have fostered a community of art-focused collectors.

  • Exposure: With a growing community and a considerable social media reach, it provides great exposure for new artists in the Cardano NFT space.

Viking Squad Utility

Whitelist Spots

CT793 members will either be automatically whitelisted or be eligible for priority WL raffles for all artist drops

Free NFTs

CT793 members will be eligible to mint free special edition NFTs from launchpad artists

Art Realm

As a home to all launchpad artists, artists can grow their communities, network, and showcase their artwork in the Viking Squad server. Instead of starting from scratch in their own servers, they can join a growing and flourishing community of NFT artists and art collectors.


Dreki will host a small NFT gallery/marketplace on its website where all artists are featured, and unique NFT art will be for sale.

If successful, it will become a niche marketplace for NFT art enthusiasts on Cardano where non-launchpad artists can sell their NFT art for a small fee.

NFT Vikings will be able to mint certain launchpad artist drops with $MYNT, but the long-term goal is to integrate the token as a payment option throughout the marketplace.

Last updated